Thursday 10 March 2011

How Age is represented - BBC Bugs Girl Power Part One

Bugs Girl Power
How Age is Represented?

In this clip of BBC's "Bugs Girl Power", age is represented through Sound, Editing, Mise-en-Scene and Camera Shots/Angles. The clip begins with a group of men and women walking along discussing about the investigation of the brake in. The man at the front talking seems pompous and condescending as he is playing a role of authority. His use of posh language, speech and clothing demonstrate his figure of superiority as opposed to the other characters. Immediately, the audience is aware that this man is in charge and perhaps determines who will have the power throughout the whole clip. The woman is investigating into why the young girl has broken into the building, the room that they are in has blue and green walls, which has connotations of space and science, contributing to the atmosphere of technology. This particularly emphasises the girl's youth but however reinforces her intelligence as she has created a scientific tool herself. When talking to the investigator, the young girl has an attitude which implies she is a moody teenager, representing her age, also she is described as "a mixed up kid" which suggests she has had a rough life without parents as the audience discovers she lives in a home. The young girl has her hair tied up with is often regarded as a very young girl's appearance.

Throughout the clip, there are high angles which look down at the young girl, displaying the older man has authority. Due to her age, the camera shots suggest she does not possess any sense of power. When the investigating woman sits down with the girl, the use of camera angles has made her appear higher up than the youth. When the adults are looking at the girl, they are outside the room, looking through the window which is a point of view shot, the audience can objectively view how the characters are feeling. The audience can also see that the camera is not in the room with the young girl, suggesting it is dangerous as she is looked upon as a "criminal". 

Additionally, when walking in the corridoor, the audience can hear footsteps which is diegetic sound which conveys a sense of realism, and authority. When looking in the window at the girl, the sound seems dark and spooky to convey a sense of sympathy towards her. This music contradicts the negative image of the adults, forcing the audience to feel pathos towards the young girl as it would seem she is alone. The non-diegetic sound reinforces this element. The adults involved in the clip, use an elaborate code of language, which conveys superiority and authority. 

Throughout this clip, there are shot reverse shots during the conversation between the adults and the child. This conveys a sense of realism as it appears like the people are actually speaking.


  1. Excellent understanding, however you don't relate how the reverse shot links to the representation of age. You clearly explain the representation of how the older people hold authority, and the young girl is seen as the criminal.

    Many good examples used.

    Lots of relevant terminology, however more terminology could be used in the Camera Angles and maybe the Mise En Scene sections.

  2. Good reference to camera and sound but could be evened out with more on editing and mise en scene
    Range of relevant examples used
    Lots of relevant terminology used
    Clearly explain the differences in the representation of the characters
