Wednesday 17 November 2010

Monarch of the Glen - January 2009

How is age represented in this clip?

  • Mid-Shot
  • Over-the-shoulder Shot - makes the audience feel empathy as the viewer can see the the action from the character's points of view.
  • Point of View Shot - displaying what the character can see
  • Camera always looking down on the 16 year old, emphasising she is a minority and the adults in the clip are superior and have authority.
  • Reverse Shots - opposition between the two age groups
Mis en Scene:
  • There are a lot of people much older than the 16 year old, the audience can clearly see that she is uneducated and quite immature as she does not know how to drive but she still lies and says that she can drive, consequently resulting in a crash.
  • Clothes makes people look older - Headmaster, wearing an old tweed suit, reinforcing his high status and position of authority. Additionally he drinks brandy in this clip, displaying he is a sophisticated man. On the other hand, the 16 year old wear young clothes, such as a hoody. She also runs away emphasising her lack of knowledge.
  • Her room is filled with teenage magazines, photos, teddy bears which has youthful connotations depicting innocence.
  • Rural setting - all wearing farming clothes apart from headmaster and girl, the headmaster is visiting the village. The costumes are juxtaposed as we can see the manual/working-class clothes as oppose to her "trendy" youthful clothes.
  • Older generation - grey hair/big beards. On the other hand, the girl is made up and has a flower in her hair symbolising youthfulness and blossoming.The setting is a Scottish rural Island with archaic buildings, this is out of place in this modern day, the audience can empathise with her vulnerability as it is a place meant for older people. The people who live there believe that way of life is the "norm".

  • When the girl is shown in the clip the music becomes more exciting emphasising her youthfulness.
  • When the rest of the characters are shown, the music is country/folk reinforcing that the are manual labour workers.
  • When the young girl is packing her stuff to leave, the music is slow creating a sad atmosphere.
  • Accents - headteacher - posh - received pronounciation, which is a reflection on his appearance and his dominance. Amy, northern/Scots creating an uneducated image.
  • Cross cutting - displaying what is happening in time sequence.

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